Poem of the Week, week 45: Gunnar Wærness "(the boat / 5 November 2014)"


Take part in a weekly journey through 52 poems by authors from Norway throughout 2019 – Norway’s year as Guest of Honour.

(the boat / 5 November 2014) The day’s last hour falling red the day’s first hour lying dead 4 o’clock alarmingly said go home it’s late, it’s late living daylights lost its head eleven o’clock went off to bed six o’clock is killing the cock nine o’clock licked blood from its wing one o’clock’s slipped off its string to live now in the dead of night all the other hours out of sight struck the count of eight for us the day’s a no-go date all the times die many times it’s all the fault of the ones left behind we haven’t managed to forget the one who died today he is a bowl standing at the end of the table calling out we’re one too few we have lifted you and lifted you in a coffin all at once you became light to lift all at once you just stayed up in the air the wind howls we’re one too many look at the coffin it can sail we’ve tried to forget the body of the one dead we’ve lowered into the ground but the face and the words never forget people painted on the walls and in the bows of every boat wave to the boat wave it gave birth to us on this shore we who only wanted to forget wave to the boat it dubbed us those left behind we who flag with a plastic bag boats give small consolation the boat says I can give you the sea we don’t want a sea we want a land Translated by John Irons  
(båten / 5. november 2014) dagens siste time faller rød dagens første time ligger død klokka fire ville varsle gå hjem det har blitt sent lyse dagen var helt fra seg klokka elleve gikk og la seg klokka seks slaktet hanen klokka ni slikket blod fra vingen klokka ett har rømt rundt svingen for å leve midt på natten alle andre timer stakk og klang med åtte slag for oss blir det aldri dag alle ganger dør mange ganger det er alle etterlattes skyld vi har ikke klart å glemme han som døde i dag er han ei skål som står ved bordenden og roper vi er én for lite vi har løftet deg og løftet deg i kiste til slutt så ble du lett å løfte til slutt så ble du værende i lufta vinden tuter vi er én for mye se på kista den kan seile vi har prøvd å glemme kroppen til den døde senket vi i jorden men ansiktet og ordene aldri glem malte folk på veggene og i baugen på hver båt vink til båten vink den fødte oss på denne stranda vi som bare ville glemme vink til båten den døpte oss til etterlatte vi som flagger med en plastpose båter gir oss liten trøst båten sier jeg kan gi deg havet vi vil ikke ha et hav vi vil ha et land

From Gunnar Wærness (1971), Venn med alle, Forlaget Oktober, Oslo 2018

Poem of the Week. 52 poems through the year

From the time when the earliest texts were recorded in runic inscriptions, poetry has had a strong position in Norway. By introducing a new poem each week throughout 2019, we aim to highlight the quality and breadth of Norwegian poetry. «Poem of the Week» presents 52 poems, inspired by the changing seasons and the passing of the year. The selection has been made by Annette Vonberg and Tone Carlsen, and consists of poems from the earliest handwritten manuscripts up until today, with a special emphasis on contemporary poetry.

Poem of the week