Poem of the Week, week 41: Cecilie Løveid "The Engraver"


Take part in a weekly journey through 52 poems by authors from Norway throughout 2019 – Norway’s year as Guest of Honour.

THE ENGRAVER Once we could interpret all signs It was not a dream, but resembling one. We were magicians, we could interpret the hand which moved to a position the word which hit home. We knew what it means to pour with the left hand. What everything meant. What no one knows anymore. We had the most beautiful pearls around our necks. The water’s memory was in us. Everything, also that which gave us tears and a desire to kiss or move into a telephone booth. Then it became more unclear to me. I had to take my soul by the hand down the road while I asked everyone to say who they were for I couldn’t see them, and would rather not seem arrogant. But I woke up to light. The world was still full of signs and messages. Tears, foxes, bells, hands were waiting for me. Then I stopped with playing cards, calendars and religious images. Translated by May-Brit Akerholt
SKRIFTSTØPERSKEN En gang kunne vi tyde alle tegn. Det var ingen drøm men det lignet. Vi var sortekunstnere, vi kunne tyde hånden som beveget seg til en positur, ordet som satt. Vi visste hva det betyr å skjenke med venstre hånd. Hva alt betydde. Hva ingen vet lenger. De skjønneste perler hadde vi om halsen. Vannets hukommelse var i oss. Alt, også det som ga oss tårer og lyst til å kysse eller flytte inn i en telefonkiosk. Så ble det mer utydelig for meg. Sjelen måtte leies nedover veien mens jeg ba alle om å si hvem de var for jeg kunne ikke se dem, og ville nødig virke arrogant. Men jeg våknet til lys. Verden var fortsatt full av tegn og beskjeder. Tårer, rever, bjeller, hender sto og ventet på meg. Da sluttet jeg med spillkort, almanakker og religiøse bilder.

From Cecilie Løveid (1951), Gartnerløs, Kolon Forlag, Oslo 2007

Poem of the Week. 52 poems through the year

From the time when the earliest texts were recorded in runic inscriptions, poetry has had a strong position in Norway. By introducing a new poem each week throughout 2019, we aim to highlight the quality and breadth of Norwegian poetry. «Poem of the Week» presents 52 poems, inspired by the changing seasons and the passing of the year. The selection has been made by Annette Vonberg and Tone Carlsen, and consists of poems from the earliest handwritten manuscripts up until today, with a special emphasis on contemporary poetry.

Poem of the week