Poem of the Week, week 40: Ruth Lillegraven "1910"


Take part in a weekly journey through 52 poems by authors from Norway throughout 2019 – Norway’s year as Guest of Honour.

1910 the sky is still here pink and grey I lift down the nacre clouds spin a thin thread from them fetch spider webs from the corner above the bed the solar-gold gleaming on the water’s edge the shimmer in the scales of the fish the dandelion fluff that dances through the yard the nerves in the birch leaves twisting themselves as they waltz-dance with the wind the thread lies between my fingers taut and brittle   Translated by May-Brit Akerholt
1910 himmelen er her framleis lyseraud og grå eg løftar ned perlemorskyene spinn ein tynn tråd av dei hentar spindelvev frå kroken over senga solgullet som glinsar i vasskorpa skimmeret i skinnet på fisken løvetannulla som dansar gjennom tunet nervane i bjørkeblada der dei vrengjer seg i vals med vinden tråden ligg mellom fingrane mine stram og skjør

From Ruth Lillegraven (1978), Urd, Tiden Norsk Forlag, Oslo 2013.

Poem of the Week. 52 poems through the year

From the time when the earliest texts were recorded in runic inscriptions, poetry has had a strong position in Norway. By introducing a new poem each week throughout 2019, we aim to highlight the quality and breadth of Norwegian poetry. «Poem of the Week» presents 52 poems, inspired by the changing seasons and the passing of the year. The selection has been made by Annette Vonberg and Tone Carlsen, and consists of poems from the earliest handwritten manuscripts up until today, with a special emphasis on contemporary poetry.

Poem of the week