All Norwegian municipalities are required by law to have a public library, that is, public-purpose libraries.
There are 674 public libraries / departments in Norway.
1753 working-years are linked to the public libraries.
In addition, at least 1900 primary schools have their own school library, and over 300 secondary schools are reported to have their own. There are also around 140 academic and research libraries in Norway.
Lending per capita in 2017 was 4.07 books. Here, children raise the average: lending per child in 2017 was 9.4 books.
Total loans, books and other media, per year: 21,321,316
Downloaded ebooks per year: 642,355
Total number of books, journals, newspapers and other media: 18,265,047
This overview is based mainly on reported figures from 2016 and 2017. Source: MedieNorge and