"The Returning", a drama by Fredrik Brattberg, directed by Kornelius Eich, will be shown at Schauspiel Frankfurt.
German translation by Hinrich Schmidt-Henkel, German-language Premiere
Gustav vanishes from a school trip and after weeks of great uncertainty and hope, the parents accept that their son will not come back. They start searching for a new way of living- until one day there is a knock on their door. In a surreal-realistic way Brattberg observes the parent’s state of mind in the different stages of their grieving. FREDRIK BRATTBERG counts as one of the leading contemporary playwrights of Norway. In 2012 he was awarded the renowned Ibsen Award for “The Returning”.
Director: Kornelius Eich Stage: Loriana Casagrande Costumes: Laura Krack Dramaturgy: Judith Kurz, Ursula Thinnes
Cast: Torsten Flassig, Christina Geiße, Sebastian Reiß
Premiere: 14th September 2019 in the Kammerspiele
For more information, please visit Schauspiel Frankfurt's webside.