Books made for film

“Norway House”, vis-à-vis EFM Gropius Bau in Niederkirchnerstrasse, Berlin (Berlin, Germany)

NORLA, in cooperation with Books at Berlinale, invites German producers to meet Norwegian literary agents and Norwegian producers to meet German publishers and agents.


Norway is Guest of Honour at Frankfurter Buchmesse 2019. Norway’s programme and presence as Country in Focus is supported through the Guest of Honour project and its organisers NORLA, Norwegian Literature Abroad.

Together with Books at Berlinale (Frankfurter Buchmesse and Berlinale) we are hosting an event in Norway House where Norwegian literary agents will present Norwegian books that should be adapted to the screens and where German publishers and agents will meet Norwegian producers to present German books that should be adapted.


Date: 11.02.2019

Time: 10 am - 12 pm

Ort: “Norway House”, vis-à-vis EFM Gropius Bau in Niederkirchnerstrasse, Berlin

FilmCultural programme Berlinale 2019